Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Central Park's 'Secret' Butterfly Gardens!! Butterfly! You hear that exclamation at the end of Puccini's Madame Butterfly when Ciocio-san takes her own life...but on a lighter note, you also here that exclamation from scores of children in Central Park during July and August as families stroll through the Shakespeare Gardens and the Conservatory Gardens. These gardens, as well as some spots in the North Meadow are teaming with these beautiful creatures. Some of the butterflies sighted in the Park include: question mark, zabulon skipper, red admiral, silver-spotted skipper, summer azure, banded hairstreak, American lady, mourning cloak, eastern comma, pearl crescent, spicebush swallowtail and peck’s skipper! You had no idea there were so many butterflies did you! Well, that's what I'm here for. Of course it goes with out saying that butterflies are FREE and a wonder to behold. Please take some time to smell the flowers in the park, just watch out for the bees!

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